How to Send Special Keys with Access Automation
This document describes how to send special keys in access automation feature.
You can use this list to send special characters & keys in access automation.
{{Keys.CurlyBracketOpen}} opening curly bracket => {
{{Keys.CurlyBracketClose}} closing curly bracket => }
{{Keys.Space}} space
{{Keys.Enter}} Enter key on the main keyboard
{{Keys.Alt}} Alt Key
{{Keys.Backspace}} or {{Keys.Bs}} Backspace
{{Keys.Delete}} or {{Keys.Del}} Delete key
{{Keys.Up}} Up arrow
{{Keys.Down}} Down arrow
{{Keys.Left}} Left arrow
{{Keys.Right}} Right arrow
{{Keys.Home}} HOME
{{Keys.End}} END
{{Keys.Escape}} or {{Keys.Esc}} ESCAPE
{{Keys.Insert}} or {{Keys.Ins}} INS
{{Keys.PageUp}} PageUp
{{Keys.PageDown}} PageDown
{{Keys.F1}} - {{Keys.F12}} Function keys
{{Keys.Tab}} TAB
{{Keys.PrintScreen}} Print Screen key
{{Keys.WindowsLeft}} Left Windows key
{{Keys.WindowsRight}} Right Windows key
{{Keys.NumLock on}} NUMLOCK (on/off/toggle)
{{Keys.CapsLock off}} CAPSLOCK (on/off/toggle)
{{Keys.ScrollLock toggle}} SCROLLLOCK (on/off/toggle)
{{Keys.Break}} for Ctrl+Break processing
{{Keys.Pause}} PAUSE
{{Keys.Numpad0}} - {{Keys.Numpad9}} Numpad digits
{{Keys.NumpadMultiply}} Numpad Multiply
{{Keys.NumpadAdd}} Numpad Add
{{Keys.NumpadSubtract}} Numpad Subtract
{{Keys.NumpadDivide}} Numpad Divide
{{Keys.NumpadDot}} Numpad period
{{Keys.NumpadEnter}} Enter key on the numpad
{{Keys.AppsKey}} Windows App key
{{Keys.AltLeft}} Left ALT key
{{Keys.AltRight}} Right ALT key
{{Keys.CtrlLeft}} Left CTRL key
{{Keys.CtrlRight}} Right CTRL key
{{Keys.ShiftLeft}} Left Shift key
{{Keys.ShiftRight}} Right Shift key
{{Keys.AltDown}} Holds the ALT key down until {{Keys.AltUp}} is sent
{{Keys.ShiftDown}} Holds the SHIFT key down until {{Keys.ShiftUp}} is sent
{{Keys.CtrlDown}} Holds the CTRL key down until {{Keys.CtrlUp}} is sent
{{Keys.WindowsLeftDown}} Holds the left Windows key down until {{Keys.WindowsLeftUp}} is sent
{{Keys.WindowsRightDown}} Holds the right Windows key down until {{Keys.WindowsRightUp}} is sent
These mappings are valid for versions Monopam v2024.08 and later.