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Windows - How to Configure Agentless Password Automation

This document will help you to configure Powershell Script Service for Monopam for Password Rotation. Before you continue, you need to make sure you have a valid license and configuration on your Monopam.

📘 Instructions

This documentation will contain 2 main steps.

  1. Configure for Credentials

  2. Conditional - Configure Machine Policy

Monopam uses WMI - Windows Management Infrastructure to do remote actions on machine. You can see the following url for more information.

WMI by default using port 135. This port should be added as firewall rule if not allowed.

If your WMI giving an error about access, you can add following filter and test it.

CleanShot X 2024-12-31 01.54.16-20241230-231353.png

1. Configure Machine Credentials

Monopam local admin user should be added to the machine. This can be a Domain User or Local User to manage the machine’s local users.

Remember, this user should be local admin in the machine.

  • If you want to use Local Windows Account

    • Recommended username for local: monopam or monopam_local

    • This section also requires Configure Machine Policy to disable Admin Approval Mode for Administrators

  • If you want to use Domain Account that has Admin Rights on Machine

    • Recommended username for AD: monopam_adp

    • This step does not require Configure Machine Policy Step.

Conditional - Configure Machine Policy (If you want to use Local Account)


This configuration should be configured only that you will use Local Account for operations. If you are using Active Directory Account that has Admin Rights on Machine, you should skip this step!

Monopam uses WMI to detect local accounts on Windows machines. So, you need to enable Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) if it is not enabled before.

You can use one of the following 3 commands following;

  • Policy Management

  • Regedit

  • Powershell

  1. Add a firewall rule for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

  2. Make sure Monopam admin user is in Administrator group on the local machine

  3. Disable the UAC (User Access Control) for the Administrator's group

    1. Type gpedit.msc and Run

    2. Go to the Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Security Options and find User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode and set value Disabled

    3. That requires Restart and Policy Update.

You can see the setting on the UI.

Optional - Regedit

You can also set this option from Regedit (regedit.exe). If you want to do it (still requires restart), do the following.

  • Open regedit

  • Go to the Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System and create new D-WORD (32-Bit) Value and name it as EnableLUA key (or update if you have that already).

  • Type value as 0 and OK.

  • Restart the computer.

Optional - Powershell Script

Another way that you can use is Powershell. You need to run Powershell as an Administrator before you continue;

  • Open Powershell as Administrator

  • Run the following command. Your computer will restart automatically.

# Run this command in an elevated PowerShell prompt (as an administrator)

# Set the registry key to disable "Admin Approval Mode"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableLUA" -Value 0

# After making these changes, you should restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
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