Add New Role
You can add roles to objects from this section.
First, the type of the object to be assigned a role must be selected from the Object Type section. For example "User" or "Application".
Then, the name of the user or application to be assigned is written in the Object section. The system will list the options as you type. For example, if you selected the object type "user", when you type "Gracie" in the object section, all users starting with "Gracie" will be listed as options.
Then, click on the green plus to select the role to be assigned.
In the window that opens, you can add the role by clicking the "Add" button after filling in the fields below.
Field |
Roles |
Description |
Start - End Date |
Cron |
The Start-End Date field is mandatory. Indicates the time intervals during which the object will have that role. If a role is to be assigned to an object a second time, it cannot be assigned at the same time interval.
Cron is a tool to set the time intervals to use the role with rules. For example, with a rule such as "1 in 2 days, only 2 hours", you can systematically determine the usage hours of the object to which you assign the role.