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Application Users

You can view how many users are registered to the application you are on, you can also sort and filter by the following fields.


User Name



Last Login


There is a create button on the page where you view the users. When the Create button is clicked, it allows you to add a new user to the application you are on and directs you to a new page.

Create New Application User

The Create new application user page consists of sections.



Expiration Date

Is Active

Is Administrator

Is Favorite

Is Hidden



It is the area where you add the user to the application you are on.

Expiration Date

After adding a user to the application you are on, you can set the expiration date of the user's session on the application.

Is Active

This is the area where you can specify whether the user is active or not on the application.

Is Administrator

This is the field where you can specify whether the user is an administrator on the application or not.

Is Favorite

This is the area where you can determine whether the application is a favorite application for the user.

Is Hidden

This is the area where you can determine whether the user is hidden or not on the application.


This is the field that allows you to specify the order of the user.

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