Edit Authenticator
This is the page you can edit where you can change all the information and data of the verification system.

Area |
Title |
Name |
state |
priority |
Additional Information
This is the area where additional information about the validation system used is edited.
Required Authenticator
Whether a verification system needs another verification system to work.
For example, a user who chooses Google Authenticator will not be able to log in to the system if they cannot access Google Authenticator. If a second verification system is defined for this situation, it will be possible to log in with this verification system that was determined at the entrance to the system.
Required Property
The features required to use the verification system are selected here. For example, if SMS is selected, adding the phone number.
Features |
Birth Date |
Company |
Department |
Employee Id |
First Name |
Formatted Name |
Gender |
Home Phone |
Honorific Prefix |
Honorific Suffix |
Last Name |
Manager |
Middle Name |
Mobile Phone |
Personel Email |
Profile Photo |
Start Date |
Title |
Work Phone |
Second Property
The 2nd feature required to use the verification system is selected here. For example, if e-mail is selected, adding the e-mail address.
User Display
Writes data to be displayed on the user's screen in the verification system. How the data displayed by the system will appear to the user is determined.
User Title
It is the part where the user displays the title of the verification system.
User Description
It is the part where the message of the user's authentication system is displayed.