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PoC Requirements - Check - Latest

Monofor PoC Requirement Check

Monofor products are designed to work on container architecture. Some requirement needs to be done before installation.

Monofor installation package can be downloaded with below link;

Monofor Install Script

Or you can directly download the packages to your Linux host.


curl -SL -o /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && cd /tmp


wget -O /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && cd /tmp

Also this script will be used for the installation.


Check Steps

First of all, we need to verify if Monosign package was successfully downloaded.

cd /tmp
ls -l | grep monofor*

Example of commands output

root@ubuntu:/tmp# ls -l | grep monofor*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11990 May 10 15:37

If you didn’t see installation script please download again

Script can be run with -check argument to check pre requirement

Monofor Install scripts need to be run with the root privilege. Before beginning the installation, you need to elevate Linux user to the root privilege. It can be done with below commands;

sudo su -

sudo -i

Or you can run all commands with sudo

We will continue with sudo prefix.

sudo ./ -check

Example of command output

    __       __                                  __
   / / __ ___\ \    _ __ ___   ___  _ __   ___  / _| ___  _ __
  | | '_ ` _ \| |  | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| |_ / _ \| '__|
 < <| | | | | |> > | | | | | | (_) | | | | (_) |  _| (_) | |
  | |_| |_| |_| |  |_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___/|_|  \___/|_|
   \_\       /_/

Monofor Identity Access Management
Monofor Privileged Account & Access Management
Copyright 2017-2023, Monofor, Inc.
Please Input Domain Name(Example:

When the script ran it is asking the Domain Name information. Example: monofor.poc

The domain name must be the same as the domain name will be use during installation.

This script is check and control below requirement.

Operating System Requirement

Supported Operating Systems can be find this page

Script will check OS info show the information like below

===========================OS Info===========================
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

If this OS information is different than the support OS list please re-install the server with the supported OS.

Hardware Requirement

Required hardware specification can be find this page

Script will check hardware specification like CPU, Memory and Disk Size

========================Hardware Info========================
CPU Core        : 4
Memory          : 7.76319 GB
Total Disk Size : 98G

Software Package Requirement

Monofor installation needs some packages on the Linux server.

Required package list can be find on this page.

======================Required OS Package====================
Your Linux OS is ubuntu
VERSION=22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Package Name                   | Status
docker-ce                      | Installed
docker-ce-cli                  | Installed                  | Installed
docker-buildx-plugin           | Installed
docker-compose-plugin          | Installed
build-essential                | Installed
traceroute                     | Installed
ethtool                        | NOT Installed
dnsutils                       | Installed
open-vm-tools                  | Installed
net-tools                      | Installed
tcpdump                        | NOT Installed
apt-transport-https            | Installed
ca-certificates                | Installed
curl                           | Installed
software-properties-common     | Installed
unzip                          | Installed
gnupg                          | Installed
jq                             | NOT Installed
bash-completion                | Installed

######## Please install the missing packages. ###############

If one of the package is NOT Installed please fix this than continue the installation

Docker Service Requirement

Monofor products needs docker engine and related services. If docker engine not installed you can check this page.

=====================Docker Service Check====================
######## docker service installed and running. ##############

Operating System Firewall Requirement

Operating System Firewall mut be disabled.

========================Firewall Check=======================
######## UFW Service is inactive ############################

DNS Requirement

DNS Requirement can be find this page.

Script will check DNS requirement with DNS queries.

===========================DNS Info==========================
DNS Name = monofor.poc

DNS Name           | DNS Query Result   | FQDN
monosign-api       | Not Resolvable     | monosign-api.monofor.poc
monosign-account   | Not Resolvable     | monosign-account.monofor.poc
monosign-mng       | Not Resolvable     | monosign-mng.monofor.poc
monosync           | Not Resolvable     | monosync.monofor.poc
monopam            | Not Resolvable     | monopam.monofor.poc
monopam-cdn        | Not Resolvable     | monopam-cdn.monofor.poc
monopam-cdn-con    | Not Resolvable     | monopam-cdn-con.monofor.poc

######## Some DNS names are not resolvable. #################
######## Please fix the DNS issue on your ###################
######## DNS server then continue the installation. #########
######## If you continue without fixing the #################
######## issue installation will fail. ######################

If one of the DNS record is not resolvable please fix this before the installation.

Time and NTP Requirement

Monofor services are sensitive to time synchronization. If Linux server time is different than the client devices time this will cause an issue.

====================Timezone and NTP Check===================
               Local time: Wed 2023-05-10 16:07:33 EDT
           Universal time: Wed 2023-05-10 20:07:33 UTC
                 RTC time: Wed 2023-05-10 20:07:33
                Time zone: America/New_York (EDT, -0400)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: yes
          RTC in local TZ: no

Timezone and ntp must be configured correctly.

Monofor Repository Access Requirement

Monofor services can be download from Monofor repository. If Linux server can not be able to access this repository installation will fail.

Internet access detail can be fount on this page.

===============Monofor Repository Access Check===============
######## Monofor Repository is reachable. ###################

Docker Download Repository Access Requirement

Docker engine service can be install from official docker download repository.

===========Docker Download Repository Access Check===========
######## Docker Download Repository is reachable. ###########

Example of all check command output:

    __       __                                  __
   / / __ ___\ \    _ __ ___   ___  _ __   ___  / _| ___  _ __
  | | '_ ` _ \| |  | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| |_ / _ \| '__|
 < <| | | | | |> > | | | | | | (_) | | | | (_) |  _| (_) | |
  | |_| |_| |_| |  |_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___/|_|  \___/|_|
   \_\       /_/

Monofor Identity Access Management
Monofor Privileged Account & Access Management
Copyright 2017-2023, Monofor, Inc.
Please Input Domain Name(Example: monofor.poc
=========Monofor Installation Pre-Requirements Check=========
Date : Wed May 10 04:07:33 PM EDT 2023

===========================OS Info===========================
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

========================Hardware Info========================
CPU Core        : 4
Memory          : 7.76319 GB
Total Disk Size : 98G

======================Required OS Package====================
Your Linux OS is ubuntu
VERSION=22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Package Name                   | Status
docker-ce                      | Installed
docker-ce-cli                  | Installed                  | Installed
docker-buildx-plugin           | Installed
docker-compose-plugin          | Installed
build-essential                | Installed
traceroute                     | Installed
ethtool                        | NOT Installed
dnsutils                       | Installed
open-vm-tools                  | Installed
net-tools                      | Installed
tcpdump                        | NOT Installed
apt-transport-https            | Installed
ca-certificates                | Installed
curl                           | Installed
software-properties-common     | Installed
unzip                          | Installed
gnupg                          | Installed
jq                             | NOT Installed
bash-completion                | Installed

######## Please install the missing packages. ###############

=====================Docker Service Check====================
######## docker service installed and running. ##############

=======================OS Firewall Check=====================
######## UFW Service is inactive ############################

===========================DNS Info==========================
DNS Name = monofor.poc

DNS Name           | DNS Query Result   | FQDN
monosign-api       | Not Resolvable     | monosign-api.monofor.poc
monosign-account   | Not Resolvable     | monosign-account.monofor.poc
monosign-mng       | Not Resolvable     | monosign-mng.monofor.poc
monosync           | Not Resolvable     | monosync.monofor.poc
monopam            | Not Resolvable     | monopam.monofor.poc
monopam-cdn        | Not Resolvable     | monopam-cdn.monofor.poc
monopam-cdn-con    | Not Resolvable     | monopam-cdn-con.monofor.poc

######## Some DNS names are not resolvable. #################
######## Please fix the DNS issue on your ###################
######## DNS server then continue the installation. #########
######## If you continue without fixing the #################
######## issue installation will fail. ######################

====================Timezone and NTP Check===================
               Local time: Wed 2023-05-10 16:07:33 EDT
           Universal time: Wed 2023-05-10 20:07:33 UTC
                 RTC time: Wed 2023-05-10 20:07:33
                Time zone: America/New_York (EDT, -0400)
System clock synchronized: yes
              NTP service: yes
          RTC in local TZ: no

===============Monofor Repository Access Check===============
######## Monofor Repository is reachable. ###################

===========Docker Download Repository Access Check===========
######## Docker Download Repository is reachable. ###########
Please send /tmp/monofor-check-2023-05-10.log file to your Sales Engineer.

Also this command output can be find under the /tmp folder. Please share this output with your local Sales Engineer to verify requirement.

Exact file name is

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