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Add New Zone

The Add New Zone page is the page where you can assign objects to a zone. You can perform your zone assignment, defined on the zone definitions page, to the objects defined on the system.

The Add new region page consists of the following sections.

Object Type





Objects defined in the system are the area where you can specify the object type / type when you want to add them to any region.


After the object type / type is determined, it is the area where you can specify the object to be added to the region according to the object type.


It is the area where you can specify any of the zones whose objects are defined on the zone definitions page, after the object type / type and object are determined.


It expresses the state of the region after the object type and object are determined and the region to be added is determined.

  • System Default - System Default allows you to set the state of the zone as the system default when adding the object to the zone to be added.

  • Allow All - Allow all allows you to set the state of the zone to allow all when adding the object to the zone to be added.

  • Deny All - Deny All allows you to set the state of the region to deny all when adding the object to the region to be added.


When all selection and value addition operations are completed, you will assign a new zone by clicking the "Save" button and if it is successfully assigned, a confirmation notification will appear that the assignment has been completed successfully.

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