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How to Update User Profile Photo

There are 3 ways to add or update user profile photo in MonoSign.

  1. Account / My Account / Update My Info / Profile Photo

  2. Management / Directory / Users / Selected User / Profile Tab / Profile Photo

  3. Management / Profiles / Selected User / Add Value

  4. API / Profiles / https://yourdomain/v1.4/profiles

All of these ways have a maximum file size limitation as 5MB. When a profile photo is uploaded, it is automatically resized to 100 x 100 image and stored as 100 x 100 image in MonoSign database.

Note: The property named “ProfilePhoto“ needs to have following configuration on property details advanced settings.

These configurations are important to update profile photo on “SSO Application”. Once the profile photo updated on “SSO Application”, all MonoSign Applications will reload the updated profile photo.

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