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Profile Providers

This is the section where the types of providers that profile resources can be connected to are defined.


  • Title

  • Name

  • Target Type

you can view information.


This is the area where the header information of the provider is displayed.


This is the field where the provider's name information is displayed.


This is the field where the provider's target type information is displayed.

There are 5 active providers in the system. The options may vary depending on the location and layout where the system is running.

  • Active Directory Profile Provider

  • MSSQL Profile Provider

  • Oracle Profile Provider

  • Postgres Profile Provider

  • Webservice Profile Provider

providers in the system.


The "Create " button takes you directly to the page where you can create a new provider.

Profile Provider Details

When you click on any provider, it takes you directly to the page where the details of the provider are displayed. You can access the profile provider details page here.

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